Sunday, January 17, 2010


Well I had a list of what I wanted to get done this weekend. It went like this: 1. Cheddar and Crackers by Hunble Quilter (all squares are cut just need to sew) 2. Diary of Hazel steps (3 days) 3. Bonnie Hunter's Double Delight (most of this is cut at least parts 1 and 2) 4. Finish hand sewing the binding on my daughters christmas quilt 5. Make a couple pillowcases for 1 million pillowcases

Such a small list so easy to do. Not.. I got a little of the Cheddar and Crackers quilt completed. I am staying up late tonight and I will finish this top. I will post pictures later.


Vivian said...

Can't wait to see your pictures. I fizzled out and am trying to talk myself in sewing for another hour or two tonight.

Jackie's Stitches said...

That's a big list! Can't wait to see pics of what you got done!

Quilter In Paradise said...

I gave up making lists cause I just can't get them done....
can't wait to see pics!