Friday, June 4, 2010

A Quilty Present from my MIL

Well these pictures loaded backwards but here is an up close look at a couple of the log cabin squares on this really old quilt my MIL sent me. The label says that it was made in 1880. The quilt was later given to my MIL's mother when she married.
It also has a NJ Heritage Quilts label on it. I have refolded it because it has definite crease lines where it has been folded for so long. Now to find a darkish room where I can hang this up and enjoy it.


Sarah Craig said...

Ooooh, you lucky girl!! That is a beautiful quilt!!!

Mountain Home Quilts said...

Wow, now that is my kind of gift!! Awesome! :)

Kathy said...

What a great vintage quilt! I think I see a couple of humility blocks in there too! You are very fortunate to be the owner.

Monica at Buttoncounter said...

OMG! I just love it. Love it, I tell you!