Well I haven't posted for a while because I have had a sick kid. My 15 year old has labrynthitis, basically an inner ear infection due to a virus. No quick fix with an antibiotic. Every time she moves she gets sick to her stomach. Of course at 15 she thinks she can tough it out and suffers for a day before she tells me she isn't feeling well. She's able to move around a little better but today she woke up and can't hear out of her left ear. A little scary but hopefully it all works out.
I have been stuck at the house watching her and so I have gotten a lot of quilt piecing done. Here are a couple. These are the blocks fron the No Sew Block Swap. I was in the Red White and Blue Group #1. I switched a couple of the fabrics around but here they are.

After I stitched them I took the left over fabric and made 3 more squares. As I'm looking at these pictures I am noticing two mistakes. I guess I'm going home and fixing a couple blocks.

The other fun thing I did was get all my I spy blocks from a swap laid out. I really love some of this fabric. I am not using all the squares (there were 200).

I am using the leftover squares and some from another swap to make another I spy but that Hasn't come together yet.
I have to go check on the daughter. Looking forward to spring and summer.
I'm really enjoying your color placement on the I Spy quilt. Very nice!
Ditto on the color placement in the I spy. Hope next week is better!
Your I Spy quilt looks so gorgeous. Absolutely great colours placement.
I also love the blocks of the blue and red quilt.
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